Stellar Opportunities table of contents duration Introduction Welcome3m Singing about Stars I’m a Star Song1m46s Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star2m33s Polaris: The Navigator’s Friend PROJECT: Finding the North Star [Beginner/Intermediate]2m5s Latitude and Longitude Song4m14s PROJECT: Using Polaris for Celestial Navigation [Intermediate]2m14s Celestial Navigation Film Series [Off-site link]75m PROJECT: Make Your Own Sextant [Intermediate-Advanced]2m14s Star Light Star Bright How Far is a Light Year5m6s Introduction to Constellations3m58s Stargazing Basics 1: Get Oriented5m58s Stargazing Basics 2: Star Brightness Magnitudes5m32s Stargazing Basics 3: Measure Distance in Sky5m35s The Milky Way Guide to our Galaxy2m45s PROJECT: Our Place in the Galaxy[Intermediate]7m24s