The Final Frontier table of contents duration Introduction Welcome3m Then Animated History of Space Exploration2m17s History of US Manned Space Flight, from Alan Shepard to STS-“Return to Flight” 1988 12m42s Yuri Gagarin – 50th Anniversary5m30s Voyager 2 Flies by Jupiter 2m57s Voyager Spacecraft at Neptune3m13s 1972 Highlights: Aeronautics and Space Report 10m8s Now Visit NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA 3m27s Building Curiosity – Shake and Bake 1m49s Testing the Mars Rover 4m49s NASA Mar’s Rover Historic Landing13m Curiosity Descent & Touchdown on Mars 2012 3m Ham Radio Operators Say Hi to Juno Spacecraft 1m23s Life Inside the International Space Station International Space Station Tour 2012 55m33s How do you Feel the First Few Months in Orbit? 6m11s Can you Feel the Speed at which the ISS is Traveling? 1m45s How do you Keep the ISS in Orbit? 1m25s Peanut Butter and Honey Sandwiches! 2m26s How Eyesight is Affected in Space? 2m36s Can a Scream be Heard in Space? 1m The Future Voyager Reaches Interstellar Space2m8s Voyager is Leaving the Solar System3m47s Cassini: Coming Attractions at Saturn2m49s Mysterious Hurricane at Saturn’s North Pole1m36s Inside Gaia’s Billion-pixel Star Camera 4m26s Projects PROJECT: How Make a Rocket from Paper and a Straw [Beginner]9m53s PROJECT: Make a Paper Jet Engine [Intermediate]5m40s PROJECT: How to Build a Bottle Rocket Launcher Part 1 [Advanced]6m47s PROJECT: How to Build a Bottle Rocket Launcher Part 2 [Advanced]11m21s PROJECT: Soda Bottle Vinegar Rocket [Beginner]4m25s