Science Curriculum God’s Design for Chemistry and Ecology (AIG)
Field Guides
Sibley Guides to the Birds of North America
Kaufman’s Guide to the Insects of North America
Stand-Alone Books Creation Basics (ICR)
Guide to Animals (ICR)
Unlocking the Mystery of Life (Illustra Media) – Part one of a fantastic series detailing the philosophic development of the Intelligent Design Theory of Origins. Excellent interviews with leading ID scientists and thinkers. This is a great resource to come back to every year. It provides a great way to start your school year in the sciences whether you are studying ecosystems, biology, chemistry, or physical science.
Privileged Planet (Illustra Media) – Part two of the series detailing the remarkably perfect conditions that exist on planet earth for life.
Darwin’s Dilemma (Illustra Media) – Part three and a pre-cursor to the book Darwin’s Doubt. This book details Darwin’s greatest doubt, that fossil evidence would not emerge to connect the diverse fossils found in the Cambrian explosion to the rock strata beneath them (Pre-Cambrian). To demonstrate the legitimacy of evolutionary theory a tremendous amount of fossil evidence connecting the “branches” in the supposed tree of life need to be accounted for. This production details this effort.
Unlocking the Mystery of Genesis (ICR) – this is a new series from the Institute of Creation Research, Part 1 of 12. We were able to preview this first installment. Unlike the three part Illustra Media production, this series has a a strong biblical creation theme. It is tailored for a younger audience and while engaging seems to provide a more simplistic connection between scientific evidence and the Creation event.
Jonathan Park (Creation Works)