Aviation & Aeronautics
NASA Beginner’s Guide to Aeronautics
Texts: The Riot and the Dance (highly recommended)
Los Alamos National Laboratory Interactive Periodic Table
pHET Simulations – virtual labs for a variety of concepts. Recommended as enrichment for students with a firm grasp of initial chemistry concepts.
Texts: Exploring the World of Chemistry, Exploring Creation with Chemistry
Chemical Heritage Foundation: History of chemistry, biographies of important chemistry pioneers, history of chemical instruments and technology
Bozeman Science – free, fun, and very helpful online lectures about specific chemistry topics
LearnChemistry: Simulations, periodic table, apps, problem solving tutor, and more
A Student’s Guide to Chemistry
Earth Science/Geology
Northwest Treasures – Homeschool Geology Curricula, Rock, Mineral, & Fossil Kits
Earthquake Education and Resources – New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources
Bozeman Science – free, fun, and very informative online lectures about specific physics topics
pHET Simulations – virtual labs for a variety of concepts. Recommended as enrichment for students with a firm grasp of initial physics concepts.