Being a Student of Your Family
This new year has me thinking about many different things. Lately, many of my thoughts have revolved around how the Created world’s inner workings reveal truths about humanity.
An organism, according to biology, has several essential traits: 1) it requires nutrients; 2) it metabolizes; 3) it has internal mechanisms that allow a homeostatic (an organism’s ability to maintain its internal conditions) condition; 4) it is composed of cells; 5) these cells contain deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA); 6) these organisms can reproduce.
The most important organisms in our lives, our family and our community, and the processes that shape them, are unfortunately not so simple.
Like the components of a healthy ecosystem these organisms require active participants and properly functioning relationships to be healthy. Being a part of and also nurturing our family and community requires us to see the forest and the trees simultaneously. These organisms function in a dynamic equilibrium. They are truly akin to a field undergoing ecological succession and looking vastly different several decades later.
Be a student of your family. Seek to understand this dynamic system and all its parts.
The Importance of Renewal
Things change because they can’t help but change, but positive change needs our involvement. The process of change and growth are so important! Individuals are dynamic. Families and communities are dynamic. We liked non-fat yogurt yesterday, today we like Greek yogurt, tomorrow we will like cream-top. Unfortunately, we are also fickle, which should not be confused with our need to constantly re-create ourselves 🙂
I know that our home school sure is a dynamic organism. It lives, it breathes, it makes monumental messes, it stinks. You name it and the organism analogy fits!
Its all about process, about moving forward, making progress while continuing to reflect on and caring for the organism. Remember this as you begin a new calendar year in the home school.
Assess how things are going for each of your children with school. What’s missing? What’s not working? And make sure you join us for A Winter Encouragement Homeschool Conference coming up February 8-9 in Moscow, Idaho. You will leave renewed!
A Helpful Reminder
I have visited several homeschooling families over the past week and have been so blessed and reminded of some things that have renewed my spirit.
I had forgotten to avoid the trap of comparing my educational standards to the world’s. Visiting these three beautiful families and watching the hard work and the fruit of that work was so encouraging!
I had forgotten how broad my children’s education is. As the son of two career public school teachers I often forget that just because we don’t call everything we do at home or in our life “school,” does not diminish its educational importance. Hard work and character development are critical elements of this education and so are a slew of other things that don’t fit into the “subject” box.
Lastly, it is helpful to me to remember that this story will not be in tomorrow’s paper. We shouldn’t look for affirmation there! Our affirmation is from the Lord.
I hope this blesses you today.