I hope you are having some fun-filled family adventures this summer, whether in your backyard or at the beach. We just got back from a a week in the mountains. There were plenty of bugs and dirt and wildflowers to be picked. The boys (all five ages 2-10) each enjoyed different things. Making snares for prairie dogs, fishing with a salamander lure, making homemade ice cream, playing cards, and of course looking at the stars. What a blessing that each child has been given his/her own unique set of interests and that we’ve been given the opportunity to help them explore and cultivate those interests for God’s glory.
We are starting a bit of an experiment next week with our Robotics Jam Session. This will be an open-door two hour session for all children (primarily ages 8-14), starting Wednesday, July 16, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon. The Moscow Church of the Nazarene has been gracious enough to let use space in their East Wing, where Montrose Academy formerly met. If you like the idea of project-based learning, educational robotics, and an opportunity to learn along with other families please join us – the possibilities are boundless!
For folks not in the immediate area who are interested in educational robotics please click on the resources tab at the top of our homepage (http://www.homeschoolscienceinstitute.org) to learn more about these fun and engaging learning tools.
We’d love to see your favorite summer pix on our Facebook (facebook.com/HisInc) page if don’t mind sharing!