Our theme for monthly field trips this summer is “Summer of Stewardship.” Stewards are engaged. Stewards work to understand their role and the pieces under their dominion. Stewards don’t haphazardly make decisions without considering the potential unintended consequences. Stewards look upstream and downstream and study the landscape.
While we know that the stewardship principle applies to all of life, in the context of our work here at HIS, Inc. we are talking about our relationship with the land.
Two of my favorite verses regarding stewardship of the land and God’s creatures:
- “And it was good.” – throughout Genesis 1
- “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” – Genesis 8:22
The first verse reminds us that all living things were pronounced “good” after the Lord spoke them into being. The second verse encourages us with the truth that the orderliness of Creation is reliable and continual. We can measure our days and years by the remarkable natural phenomena the Lord has instituted where we live. The first goldthread of the year, the return of the horned larks, the movement of the stars, the rising and setting of the sun.
We will be getting to know the ecosystems of the region this summer, getting our hands dirty, and meeting a few of the folks on the ground for whom stewardship is a big part of their work.
Summer of Stewardship Events
May 15: Conservation Awareness Days, 9:00-2:00, Spring Valley Reservoir
June 17: Stream Restoration Workshop (children under age 12)
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