What’s growing on your potatoes and milk products? What has more bacteria – probiotics or yogurt – raw or pasteurized milk? Test it in this upcoming microbiology lab.
Bring your own store-bought and home-raised potatoes, probiotics, yogurts, raw and milk … even a little melted ice cream, if you please. Yes, some bacteria survive freezers just fine. Anyways, together, we’ll pour the starch and potato agar, smear our food samples …on the agar, and study the growth for a couple chemical reactions.
Naturally, scientific principles of the lab and joyous discussion of the world of microbiology will also be provided.
Homework for lab write ups corresponding to student’s grade level will be provided.
Registration deadline: 3/25/15
Age: 8-18 years. Younger, energetic students are required to have parental assistance.
Dates: 4/10 (pouring agar), 4/17 (testing your food on agar), 4/24 (examine growth on agar)
Time: 10:30-12:00 am
Place: Private homeschooling residence, 6 mi north of Moscow
Cost: $25 ($15 + $10 supplies). With enough financial interest, supplies for growing bioluminescent bacteria could also be provided.
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