Our pastor taught on Psalm 29 yesterday. It was an exhortation and a partial exegesis of natural disasters. This post captures the major points and helps us to think creationally when disaster strikes.
If we are to be thinking creationally and desire to learn from the Lord’s general revelation, then what are we to make of hurricane season, tornado alley, and regularly other occurring destructive natural events? Psalm 29 shows us through the response of Creation and the response of the Church.
Creation reels. It is afraid. Mammals miscarry. Trees explode. He makes the lands skip like a calf or wild ox. Yes, the lands skipping under our feet. Earthquakes!
The response of the Church after God demonstrates his power: “And in His temple everyone says, “Glory!” – Psalm 29:9
Hurricane season = Humble season. We depend on God’s creation. Entirely. The Lord can change, remove, enhance, or redirect His provision whenever He wants. He can break, fix, rebuild, and restore myriad features of His creation in a moment. One way He does this is through powerful shifts of energy. Lightning, fire, winds, and waves.
Darkness yields similar fruit: fear, loss of courage. The Lord uses Creation to redirect our fear and redirect our worship, both onto him. He uses his dynamic earth to refocus our dependency onto Him and our interdependency on the rest of His creation. Seasonal reminders of our weakness and His power are critical for Christians, especially in the more insulated parts of the world, both meteorologically and monetarily. These disasters should also draw out in us a compassion for our brothers and sisters enduring hardship. Love God. Love your neighbor.
’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!
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